Cause and effect essay
Monday, August 24, 2020
the tunnel of samos Essays
the passage of samos Essays the passage of samos Essay the passage of samos Essay One of the best designing accomplishments of old occasions is a water burrow, 1,036 meters (4,000 feet) since quite a while ago, exhumed through a mountain on the Greek island of Samos in the 6th century B. C. It was burrowed through strong limestone by two separate groups progressing in an orderly fashion from the two finishes, utilizing just picks, sledges, and etches. This was a massive accomplishment of difficult work. The scholarly accomplishment of deciding the course of burrowing was similarly amazing. How could they do this? Nobody knows without a doubt, on the grounds that no set up accounts exist. At the point when the passage was burrowed, the Greeks had no attractive compass, no looking over nstruments, no topographic maps, nor even a lot of composed science available to them. Euclids Elements, the primary significant abstract of old science, was thought of approximately 200 years after the fact. There are, be that as it may, some persuading explana-tions, the most established of which depends on a hypothetical strategy conceived by Hero of Alexandria five centuries after the passage was finished. It requires a progression of right-calculated crosses around the mountain starting at one passage of the proposed passage and closure at the other, principle taining a steady height, as recommended by the outline beneath left. By estimating the net istance went in every one of two opposite bearings, the lengths of two legs of a correct triangle are resolved, and the hypotenuse of the triangle is the proposed line of the passage. By spreading out littler comparable right triangles at each passage, markers can be utilized by each group to decide the bearing for burrowing. Later in this article I will apply Heros strategy to the territory on Samos. Saints plan was broadly acknowledged for about 2,000 years as the technique utilized on Samos until two British history specialists of science visited the site in 1958, saw that the territory would have made this strategy unfeasible, and recommended an elective f their own. In 1993, I visited Samos myself to examine the advantages and disadvantages of these two techniques for a Project MATHEMATICS! ideo program, and understood that the building issue really to be resolved at a similar height above ocean level; and second, the course for burrowing between these focuses must be set up. I will depict potential answers for each part; above all, some verifiable foundation. Samos, Just off the shore of Turkey in the Aegean Sea, is the eighth biggest Greek island, with a region of under 200 square miles. Isolated from Asia Minor by the restricted Strait f Mycale, it is a vivid island with rich vegeta-tion, lovely i nlets and sea shores, and an abun-move of good spring water. Samos prospered in the 6th century B. C. during the rule of the dictator Polycrates (570-522 B. C. ), whose court pulled in writers, craftsmen, artists, thinkers, and mathematicians from everywhere throughout the Greek world. His capital city, likewise named Samos, was arranged on the inclines of a mountain, later called Mount Castro, commanding a characteristic harbor and the thin piece of ocean among Samos and Asia Minor. The student of history Herodotus, who lived in Samos in 457 B. C. , depicted it as the most well known city of now is the ideal time.
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Charismatic leadership Essay Example
Charming administration Paper A group is a gathering involved people who meet up for one shared objective. Groups face numerous snags, for example, clashes, responsibilities, correspondence hindrances, and positions of authority. Albeit a group will be gone up against with deterrents, partners must create goals so as to accomplish the shared objective. Struggle is the aftereffect of disappointment, dissatisfaction or incongruence in relations between people or gatherings of people, for example, associations, social gatherings, countries, the executives gatherings, age gatherings and in a wide scope of different circumstances. Struggle is conceivable in a wide assortment of circumstances and points of view. This paper portrays various techniques for successfully settling struggle among individuals from a work group. The paper initially portrays the various phases of work group arrangement and clarifies when and why clashes are destined to emerge. The paper at that point spreads out some standard procedures for managing clashes inside the work groups while underscoring the significance of setting up venture objectives just as great correspondence between individuals. At long last, the paper portrays the three distinct kinds of contentions that may emerge. In the main stage framing, new colleagues look for direction from group pioneers. This is a great time for a pioneer to plainly set up objectives and goals. These objectives and targets ought to convert into desires. The subsequent stage, raging, is the place rivalry and struggle happen. Strife and Resolution 3 another group must be allowed to take into account new characters to exhibit levels of adaptability for demeanor alterations. We will compose a custom exposition test on Charismatic authority explicitly for you for just $16.38 $13.9/page Request now We will compose a custom exposition test on Charismatic administration explicitly for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Recruit Writer We will compose a custom exposition test on Charismatic administration explicitly for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Recruit Writer Persistence is troublesome at this stage yet as strife happens; the gathering must work with the understanding that reasonable desires are set up to set up rules for whom is liable for explicit assignments, for who is in control, and what rules lead to reward and order. Having built up clear desires before or in stage one of the gathering procedure can hence rearrange parts of this stage. In the third stage, norming, bunch dynamic structures. In the event that desires have been plainly settled, the gathering starts to think as a unit. In this manner, the gathering can trade levels of inventiveness to meet desires. In the fourth stage, performing, desires are met at another level. Here, a gathering advances into singular individuals exceeding expectations while as yet adding to the dynamic of the gathering. Clear desires are set up when a gathering effectively gets to this stage. In the fifth stage, dismissing, the gathering ought to again be meeting obviously settled objectives. As it were, obviously settled desires help dodge trepidation during excusal. Time the board and how to accomplish a fruitful equalization in our lives among our numerous exercises is something each individual has to know and practice. Frequently, organizing our day or week isn't simple, yet by actualizing some key individual activities, we can take mammoth steps toward meeting our objective of increasingly compelling time the executives. Anyway negative clash brings about upsetting the group organization, which thusly prompts disappointment of the group to accomplish its destinations. The idea that contention ought to be stayed away from is one of the significant supporters of the development of dangerous clash in the working environment. The awful perspective on struggle is related with a dream of authoritative viability that is not, at this point substantial (and maybe never was). Struggle can be coordinated and overseen with the goal that it makes the two individuals and associations develop, advance and improve. Nonetheless, this necessitates strife not be stifled, since endeavors to subdue are bound to create appalling circumstances. Regular constraint procedures to be maintained a strategic distance from are: non-activity, regulatory circling, mystery and peace. There are three ways to deal with taking care of contention: Traditional (keep away from all contention), human connection (struggle is regular and is managed in a suitable way) and communications (some level of contention is required to accomplish progress especially in the work environment). A key component in comprehension and adjusting to these various ideas is regularly established in ones feeling of self and self-revelation. Having a variety of individual contrasts can make nature perpetually testing. Developing decent variety makes a perspective on singular contrasts in progressively various manners. Strife and Resolution 5 One significant variable in hierarchical conduct depends on oneself idea. Thoughts of self differ starting with one authentic time then onto the next, starting with one financial gathering then onto the next, and from culture to culture, yet all these idea designs are a piece of the exchange between people. Strife is a communicated battle; it is a given thought at whatever point there are contrasts among individuals in a gathering. A communicated battle might be verbal or non-verbal, inasmuch as one gathering conveys successfully the various assumptions that he has about the issue to the next gathering. A distinction in the apparent incongruent objectives is another predecessor that can't be abstained from during group clashes. The individual and their work circumstance are influenced by how he handles such issues as compromise, stress the board, relational correspondence, and non-verbal correspondence. These elements of regular day to day existence must be tended to by everybody, and how well he figures out how to do this decides his own feeling of prosperity and confidence, from one perspective and how he is seen. A people absence of a comprehension of how relational abilities work and that they are so critical to others will truly hinder that people capacity to determine clashes, while people who have great solid relational abilities can manage passionate clashes rapidly and without any problem. Strife and Resolution 6 Apparently there are numerous procedures and structures used to encourage these things to people however they don't generally work in the manner that they ought to and numerous individuals are left with troubles in correspondence when he faces some sort of enthusiastic clash with another person. It is significant for these people to create aptitudes in correspondence and coordinated effort that are extremely compelling and when they figure out how to manage enthusiastic peace making they become resources not just for the customers that they manage however for their bosses also. Responsibility intends to concur and additionally vow. At the end of the day, you he should finish the responsibility as guaranteed. It expects one to assess a circumstance and make sense of what can be added or should be practiced. At the point when one submits it is held as a guarantee to self as well as others. In a learning group condition individuals from the group are relegated different errands. Each colleague is dependable to finish his undertakings. At the point when others are influenced by the dedication it is critical to finish the assignments. Learning Teammates are resolved to finish his task s in a systematic way. It is likewise imperative to give your colleagues the best. Keeping up a promise to yourself gives one a feeling of pride and achievement. It additionally permits individuals to achievement their objectives. Recharging responsibilities is significant in light of the fact that every individual can assess and evaluate the different objectives that have been set. Struggle and Resolution 7 This is likewise utilized as a following framework with the goal that you know about what objectives have been accomplished and what regions despite everything need work. It is hard to focus on something by verbally conveying the promise to other people. In this manner, it is profitable to compose the dedication on paper. This can likewise be utilized as a following framework. At the point when you can report your movement, it is simpler to outwardly observe your movement and disappointments. This following framework permits you to assess and plan their objectives. Boundaries to viable correspondence spring up pretty much wherever in everyday life except they can regularly be generally obvious in the workplace. Previously, a significant hindrance to correspondence may have been the separation isolating one business area from another, however in the cutting edge universe of the Internet and satellite interchanges, there are as yet numerous different obstructions, which hinder powerful correspondence in the work environment. A hindrance is whatever impedes the reason for the association, or makes individuals misconstrue one another. Since correspondence is a key to pretty much every part of each association, it is a significant and important device for each individual in the association, and whenever utilized successfully, it can add to the achievement and estimation of the association for everybody included. As one interchanges master noted, Without correspondence, not even the initial steps can be taken toward human collaboration, and it is difficult to talk about hierarchical issues without talking about correspondence, or if nothing else underestimating it. Struggle and Resolution 8 Communication alludes to the way toward making shared comprehension between two people or between an individual and a gathering. This incorporates correspondence is a procedure of cooperating with others. For instance, talking isn't correspondence. Having somebody hear that talking and make importance from it is correspondence. This outlines one of the fundamental highlights of correspondence that it is a value-based procedure. A value-based procedure is characterized as, a procedure wherein at least two individuals trade speaker and audience jobs, and in which the conduct of every individual is subject to and affected by the other There are a wide range of techniques for Leadership. Most gathering
International Banking Law Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3500 words
Universal Banking Law - Essay Example [1] This article will investigate the imaginary circumstance where an online organization selling books is crediting a total of cash from a bank to grow and differentiate their online tasks. The paper endeavors to prompt the bank in managing the advance circumstance. The circumstance has along these lines been seen from the bank's point of view. The exposition has been managed in two sections. Before any lawful counsel is given to Spring Bank with respect to the sort of credit and type of security, it is critical to separate the circumstance. To do this a couple of ideas must be cleared. Since giving an overdraft to Winter Ltd. is an alternative open to Spring Bank, one must think about what as an overdraft is and when is an overdraft normally given by a bank. An overdraft is the measure of cash that can be overdrawn from a present record, subject as far as possible previously concurred with the bank. There are sure offices of an overdraft. With an overdraft, you pay cash for the measure of cash you use and just for the period you use. For instance, an overdraft can be attracted to pay the provider and inside seven days the cash can be again kept into the record, after the cash originates from the purchasers. Overdraft is in this way a proficient type of getting, typically made to hold over momentary income vacillations. Since intrigue is determined every day on the fluctu ating remarkable parity and is regularly charged toward the finish of every month, there is adaptability. [2] [3] [4] However, on account of Winter Ltd, the organization isn't searching for cash to make some business installment, which can't be suited from the accessible money balance in their ebb and flow account. It is searching for cash for business enhancement, which requires a perpetual wellspring of financing as opposed to transient financing. Along these lines, Spring Bank ought not consent to an overdraft office however should give a term advance, as exhorted by their hazard advisory group. Presently, that it has been obviously settled that Spring Bank will give Winter Ltd. a credit to differentiate its business, one needs to take a gander at the advance alternatives that the bank can offer the organization. The upsides of giving an advance is that both the business and the bank will know the specific terms of reimbursement and the measure important to be paid and when. The Loan Options that the Bank will Consider How about we presently consider the different credit alternatives accessible to the bank. Banks are traditionalist loaning bodies. A bank advance will be accessible typically against a security. This carries us to a general categorisation of advances into 'made sure about' and 'unbound.' A 'made sure about advance' is a guarantee to pay an obligation, where the guarantee is 'made sure about' by conceding the bank an enthusiasm for explicit property or insurance of the indebted person. For the situation where a borrower doesn't pay the advance in time, the leaser has the option to hold onto the property that has been kept as insurance, and recover the advance. Despite the fact that an 'unbound advance' likewise vows to pay the obligation, the guarantee does exclude giving the lender any enthusiasm for a specific property. If there should arise an occurrence of an unbound advance the loan specialist depends on the way that the borrower is credit commendable and can be trusted. Especial ly for private companies (however it has not been explicitly referenced that Winter Ltd. is a private company, one can accept considering present realities an organization
Friday, August 21, 2020
White collar crime Money laundering free essay sample
While residential enactment Is fundamental to manage cubicle wrongdoing, It requires to be supported by suitable degrees of universal collaboration and lawful help. This is especially significant that globalization and present day innovation profoundly affect desk wrongdoing including defilement and illegal tax avoidance. The main successful approach to manage transnational wrongdoing is for a worldwide implementation activity. This requires each state to have broad International connections and fitting shared legitimate help enactment to help and to be aided an elective universal battle against defilement. In Hong Kong, worldwide participation is encouraged by formal and casual courses of action. There should be set up In each express a pro common lawful help body committed to make and get demands for the getting and assembling of data. This body ought to have the option to guarantee the brief and successful reaction also demand by coordinating and regulating the significant law implementation organization comparable to it. We will compose a custom paper test on Cubicle wrongdoing Money laundering or on the other hand any comparative subject explicitly for you Don't WasteYour Time Recruit WRITER Just 13.90/page There likewise should be set up arrangements for the taking of proof in n fitting way and structure to meet the necessities of the mentioning state. The utilization and assistance of video interface for the taking of proof is a successful methods for facilitating through residential necessities. The sourcing and confirmation of reports and records Is of specific concern when managing transnational wrongdoing and arrangements ought to be instituted to all the more promptly encourage the gathering of such proof in residential Jurisdictions. In Hong Kong, the administrative powers over desk wrongdoing are dissipated and centered around specific sorts of salaried crime.But it further parts the law implementation Initiative. It results In there not being a general spotlight on professional wrongdoing In Its numerous features and width of activity. Nor a readiness to deal with multi-feature and complex cases which require a devoted and long haul responsibility. Authority administrative bodies when exploring cushy wrongdoing barely center just around its region of duty and now and again quarrel among themselves. Likewise unique administrative bodies have their own system of offenses and forces to manage specific types of culpable and will in general have various updates and necessities for social affair and utilizing evidence.There Is a propensity for authority bodies to be busy with its own self-advancement and personal responsibility. (For instance, the SF has the way to manage an issue by common activity. ) There ought to be set up powerful guideline and responsibility quantifies in the direct of exchange, trade and business. We need to prepare for such a large number of laws and over-guideline. The guidelines and guidelines ought to be co-ordinates, basic and (1) Prosecuting those engaged with the salaried wrongdoing with the offense of ML as they sick definitely be managing in the returns of the wrongdoing.
Monday, July 20, 2020
Top 10 Reasons Teens Go to Therapy
Top 10 Reasons Teens Go to Therapy Psychotherapy Print Top 10 Reasons Teens Go to Therapy By Amy Morin, LCSW facebook twitter instagram Amy Morin, LCSW, is a psychotherapist, author of the bestselling book 13 Things Mentally Strong People Dont Do, and a highly sought-after speaker. Learn about our editorial policy Amy Morin, LCSW Updated on October 11, 2019 Tetra Images / Getty Images More in Psychotherapy Online Therapy From mood swings to school issues, all teens have problems. But sometimes, a teens distress might rise to a level where its important to seek professional help.?? Therapy certainly doesn’t need to be reserved for life-altering events or serious mental health problems, however. Meeting with a therapist can prevent minor issues from turning into major problems. If you think your teen could benefit from talking to a mental health provider, don’t hesitate to schedule an appointment with a professional. Talk to your pediatrician or schedule an appointment directly with a therapist. Sometimes, a even just a few therapy sessions can make a big difference to your teen’s overall well-being.?? Teens can benefit from meeting with a therapist to talk to about a variety of topics, ranging from relationship issues to questions about sexual identity. Here are the top 10 reasons teens go to therapy:?? 1. Depression Mood disorders often start during the teen years. And if left untreated, depression can last into adulthood. If your teen seems irritable, sad, and withdrawn, talk to your pediatrician. An accurate diagnosis and early intervention are key components of effective treatment.?? Does Your Teen Seem Depressed? Heres How to Help 2. Anxiety Disorders While it’s normal for teens to worry sometimes, some teens experience intense anxiety. Whether your teen has difficulty speaking in front of the class, or she constantly worries bad things are going to happen, therapy could help her learn how to manage her symptoms. 3. Behavior Problems Suspensions from school, repeat curfew violations, and aggressive behavior may be symptoms of more serious problems. A therapist could help uncover potential mental health issues, skill deficits, or social problems that may be driving your teen’s behavior. 4. Substance Abuse Issues Unfortunately, drugs and alcohol can become serious problems for teenagers. A substance abuse counselor can assess your teen’s substance use and help determine the most appropriate course of treatment. Individual therapy, group therapy, detox, or residential treatment may be options depending on the severity of a teen’s problems. Study Identifies Top Risk Factors for Teen Substance Abuse 5. Stress Teenagers can get stressed out. Whether it’s the pressure to perform well on an exam or concerns over what to do after high school, stress can take a serious toll. Therapy can help a teen learn skills to manage stress successfullyâ€"and that’s something that will serve them well throughout their lives.?? 6. School and Social-Related Issues Bullies, failing grades, cliques, and teacher-related issues are just a few of the social-related problems many teens experience. Teens often aren’t sure where to turn for help. Therapy can provide teens with support and give them skills that will help them navigate high school successfully. 7. Legal Problems Stealing, underage drinking, or fighting are just a few of the reasons teens get into trouble with the law. Sometimes, they’re mandated by probationâ€"or their parentsâ€"to receive counseling. Therapy can help a teen learn how to make healthier choices so that further legal issues can be prevented.?? 8. Low Self-Esteem While most teens struggle with self-confidence issues at one time or another, some experience serious self-esteem issues. When those issues are left unaddressed, teens are at a higher risk of problems such as substance abuse and academic failure. Therapy can help boost a teen’s self-esteem. 9. Trauma Whether it’s a near-death experience or a sexual assault, traumatic events can have a lifelong impact on a teen. Therapy can increase resilience and reduce the impact the traumatic event has on a teen’s life. Early intervention can be the key to helping a teen recover from traumatic circumstances. 10. Grief Teens deal with grief a little differently than adults and the loss of a loved one can be especially difficult during adolescence. Individual, family, or group therapy can help teens sort out their feelings and make sense of their loss. A Word From Verywell If youre questioning treatment for your teen, err on the side of caution and contact a professional. If your teen isnt interested in therapy, however, dont worry. Many teens are hesitant to talk to someone. Encourage your teen to try therapy for a few sessions and then, you might allow him to make the decision about whether to continue. If your teen outright refuses counseling, you can be the one to talk to a therapist.?? You may be able to gain new ideas and skills for helping your teen cope better. How to Choose a Therapist for Your Teen
Saturday, June 27, 2020
The Best Scholarships in Georgia
There is no question that a college education provides a better chance for higher paying employment, opportunities for advancement and provides advanced education that can be beneficial in all aspects of life. Those who wish to pursue higher education should have the opportunity do so, yet many do not because they are not able to affordthe tuition. There are scholarship opportunities available in Georgia that can help many students offset the cost of education and, in some cases, may provide full tuition coverage so they will be able toachieve their higher education goals. 1.The â€Å"547†John E. McGlamry Memorial Scholarship The â€Å"547†John E. McGlamry Memorial Scholarship was established by the North Georgia Community Foundation. The $1,000 award is given to a graduating high school seniors who are the children of active or retired Georgia State Troopers who plan to enroll in an accredited college or university. An essay explaining what wisdom, justice and moderation means to the student is required as well as official transcripts. You can apply forThe â€Å"547†John E. McGlamry Memorial Scholarship here.​ 2.The Andrew C. and Eula C. Carlos Fund ​The Andrew C. and Eula C. Carlos Fund offers a scholarship to undergraduate students at Georgia State who plan to enter the J. Mack Robinson College of Business. Applicants must have a 3.0-grade point average and a high school grade point average of 3.0 if they are entering freshmen. The scholarship requires students to have financial need and the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) must be submitted in order to be eligible.You can learn more about The Andrew C. and Eula C. Carlos Fund here. 3.The Asian Pacific Islander American Scholarship The Asian Pacific Islander American Scholarship Fund in conjunction with the United Health Foundation is a three-year scholarship that provides $5,000 each year to a student who plans to pursue a degree that will lead to a career as a health care professional. Applicants must demonstrate a commitment to working in underserved communities and must reside in Georgia. In addition, the applicant must enroll as a full-time, degree-seeking, second-year student in the upcoming academic year at an accredited college or university. Applicants must be of Asian and/or Pacific Islander ethnicity, a citizen or legal resident of the United States although citizens of the Republic of the Marshall Islands, Federated States of Micronesia and Republic of Palau are also eligible. The student must be enrolled in undergraduate studies and have a minimum grade point average of 2.7 on a 4.0 scale. One letter of recommendation is required, and the applicant must complete the Free Application for Federal St udent Aid (FAFSA).You can learn more about the The Asian Pacific Islander American Scholarshiphere. 4.ASHRAE Region IV Benny Bootle Scholarship he ASHRAE Region IV Benny Bootle Scholarship is for undergraduate engineering or architecture students enrolled in an accredited college or university in Georgia, North Carolina or South Carolina. The applicant must be pursuing a bachelor’s degree that has traditionally prepared graduates for the HVACR profession. Students must have a class standing in the top 30 percent or higher of their graduating class.You can learn more about theASHRAE Region IV Benny Bootle Scholarship here. 5.AWS Foundation: Airgas – Terry Jarvis Memorial Scholarship The Terry Jarvis Memorial Scholarship through the AWS Foundation is awarded to an undergraduate student pursuing a bachelor’s degree in welding engineering or welding engineering technology. Preference is given to students who wish to obtain a position in the welding engineering industrial gas or welding equipment distributor sector. Applicants must be 18 years of age and have a high school diploma or equivalent. Applicants must attend full-time and must have at least a 2.8 overall grade point average or a 3.0 grade point average in engineering courses. Applicants must be a citizen of the United States or Canada and it is preferred the applicant be a resident of Alabama, Georgia or Florida. Applicants do not need to be members of the American Welding Association to apply. The scholarship is for $2,500 annually and may be awarded to the same recipient more than once for up to four years.You can learn more about theAWS Foundation: Airgas – Terry Jarvis Memorial Scholarshi p here. 6. The Jerry Baker Scholarship The Jerry Baker Scholarship is a $2,500 annual award to an individual who wants to pursue a career in welding engineering. One student who has demonstrated in interest in pursuing a career with an industrial gas or welding equipment distributor may receive the award for up to four years. Applicants must be 18 years of age and hold a high school diploma or equivalent. They must have a 2.8 overall grade point average or a 3.0 grade point average in engineering courses. Priority is given to individuals residing in or attending school in Alabama, Georgia or Florida. The applicant does not have to be a member of the American Welding Society.You can learn more about the Jerry Baker Scholarship here. ​ 7.Bank of America Junior Achievement of Georgia Scholarship The Bank of America Junior Achievement of Georgia Scholarship provides funding in amounts ranging from $500 to $1,000 to high school students in the Metro-Atlanta area. The student must be an active participant in Junior Achievement of Georgia and plan to major in business or computer technology. The student must have a cumulative grade point average of 3.0.You can learn more about the Bank of America Junior Achievement of Georgia Scholarship here. 8.Casualty Actuaries of the Southeast (CASE) Scholarship The CASE Scholarship is for students continuing a full-time course of study in actuarial science majors at a college or university in Alabama, Arkansas, Florida, Georgia, Kentucky, Louisiana, Mississippi, North Carolina, South Carolina, Tennessee or Virginia. Applicants must maintain a 3.0 GPA, excelled in actuarial science courses and passed at least one actuarial examination. Applicants must also have completed an actuarial internship.You can learn more about the ​Casualty Actuaries of the Southeast Scholarship here. 9.Charles J. Harbin III Memorial Scholarship The Charles J. Harbin III Memorial Scholarship awards selected students between $1,000 and $1,500 annually who demonstrate a history of pursuing goals and aspirations with integrity, resolution, self-discipline and sound judgement as well as a desire to make a meaningful contribution to society. In order to apply, applicants must complete the scholarship application and submit a 500-word essay which answers the question â€Å"If it could talk, how would the inanimate object(s) integral to your passion describe you? (e.g., our guitar, soccer ball, pen, etc.).†In addition, a 500-word original short story must be submitted using one of the following titles:Another Brick in the WallThe Travel's MindConversation with a TurtleThe Green JeepAnswer to a Beautiful PoemThe applicant must also provide a letter of recommendation from an adult who knows them in an academic or professional capacity, such as a teacher, coach, employer or supervisor. The application must include an official copy of the student’s latest transcript and latest Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA). A copy of the acceptance letter received from an accredited two- or four-year institution of higher learning is also required.You can learn more about theCharles J. Harbin III Memorial Scholarship here. 10.Constitutional Officers Association of Georgia The Constitutional Officers Association of Georgia (COAG) offers scholarship to Georgia high school seniors who is seeking an undergraduate degree in a field related to government, law enforcement, political science, accounting, finance, business or pre-law. A 1,000-word essay is required on a theme that may change each year. Recent themes included â€Å"How do the actions of legislature affect our local elected constitutional officers?†Applicants must also provide proof of residency in Georgia.You can learn more about the Constitutional Officers Association of Georgia​ Scholarshiphere. 11.The Colored Rocks Prize The Colored Rocks Prize is awarded to 15 male high school students of color who have committed to help at least one of their struggling peers graduate from high school. The program was created to address the problem of a high number of minority males in Georgia who were dropping out of high school. The Colored Rocks Foundation holds an essay contest each year with prizes awarded that range from one each $3,500, $750 and $150 as well as 12 prizes of $50. The prize money is awarded directly to the participant and is not required to be used for tuition at an institute of higher learning. The essay must answer a two-part question which may be found on the website. Participants must be high school seniors at the time their application is submitted. Participants must attend and graduate from a high school in Georgia and all are expected to attend a Media Day gathering that is normally held in AtlantaYou can learn more about The Colored Rocks Prize​ here. 12.Georgia Foundation Scholarship for Agriculture The Georgia Foundation Scholarship for Agriculture assists students who plan to pursue a career in agriculture, an industry that is significant to the economy of the Peach State. The foundation awards five $3,000 and seven $1,500 scholarships annually. Applicants must be a Georgia resident, major in agriculture, environmental, family and consumer or other agriculture-related field, be a leader in high school and a minimum 3.0 GPA. The student must plan to attend the University System of Georgia or Berry College.You can learn more about Georgia Foundation Scholarship for Agriculture here.​ 13.Georgia Mining Foundation Scholarship The Georgia Mining Foundation awards annual scholarships of $500, with three awards for $1,000 each, paid at $500 per year for two years. Only high school seniors attending school in Georgia are eligible. Applicants must have been accepted for admission to an accredited college or university in Georgia and have a minimum score of 1300 on the SAT. The applicant’s overall average must be 85 percent or higher and must demonstrate financial need. A faculty recommendation and approval from the principal is also required. Applicants must complete an essay of 200-words or less that addresses the student’s home life, activities, plans for the scholarship money, how the money will help them in the future and what the applicant would like the committee to know about them. An official high school transcript is also required.You can learn more about the Georgia Mining Foundation Scholarship here. 14.Georgia Public Safety Memorial Grant The Georgia Public Safety Memorial Grant is a merit-based award designed for the children of public safety officers or first responders who were killed or disabled in the line of duty. Students must attend a state college, university of technical school. The grants are in the amount of total tuition costs less any other financial aid they receive. The student must have been a resident of Georgia for 12 months prior to receiving the award. The maximum award is $18,000 per year.You can learn more about the ​Georgia Public Safety Memorial Grant here. 15.Georgia Society of CPAs Scholarship The Georgia Society of CPAs offers scholarships to Georgia students majoring in accounting. Students must be a college junior or senior in an undergraduate program or may be a graduate student in accounting or business administration. Applicants must maintain at least a 3.0 GPA and demonstrate financial need. Students must be enrolled in a minimum of six semester or ten quarter credit hours.You can learn more about the ​Georgia Society of CPAs Scholarship here. 16.Trust Scholarships The Georgia Trust awards two scholarships of $1,000 each toward the study of historic preservation and related fields. Students must be enrolled or plan to enroll full-time at a Georgia institute of higher learning. Students who receive the scholarship are encouraged to remain in Georgia after graduation. Students must major in an historic preservation field which may include archaeology, architecture, history or planning. Applicants must submit an application, transcripts as well as one personal and two academic letters of recommendation.You can learn more about the​Trust Scholarships here. 17.Georgia Tuition Equalization Grant Program The Georgia Tuition Equalization Grant Program (GTEG) encourages students to attend private colleges in Georgia by offering grant assistance. The applicant must be a legal resident of Georgia and enrolled as a full-time student at an eligible private college or university in Georgia. The student must maintain satisfactory academic progress and be in compliance with Selective Service registration requirements. Awards are $450 per semester or $300 per quarter for up to three semesters or four quarters per year. Applicants may complete the application online.You can learn more about theGeorgia Tuition Equalization Grant Program here. 18.Georgia’s HOPE GED Grant The HOPE GED Grant is available to students who earn a General Education Development (GED) high school equivalency diploma through the Technical College System of Georgia. It is a one-time $500 award that can be used toward tuition, books or other educational costs. Students do not have to be enrolled full-time but the grant must be used within 24 months of the date the student receives their GED.You can learn more about ​Georgia’s HOPE GED Grant here. 19. Hope Scholarship The Georgia Helping Others Pursue Education (HOPE) Scholarship is available to Georgia students who have demonstrated academic achievement. In order to be eligible, students must graduate from an eligible high school with a minimum grade point average of 3.0. Applicants must be legal residents of Georgia and meet Selective Service registration requirements. Students must complete the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA).You can learn more about the ​Hope Scholarship here. 20.J.D. Archbold Memorial Hospital Scholarship The Archbold Medical Center Scholarship is given to a student in health-related field of study who agree to work at the Archbold Medical Center in Thomasville, Georgia for a period of one to three years. Applicants must submit to an interview and must agree to sign a note for the full amount of the scholarship plus interest. The note is waived when they accept employment and remain employed at the hospital for the length of time required. Students must submit grades to the hospital.You can learn more about the ​J.D. Archbold Memorial Hospital Scholarship here. 21.Judge Richard S. (Stan) Gault Education Scholarship The Judge Richard S. (Stan) Gault Education Scholarship provides $1,000 to a n on-traditional Forsyth County student pursuing a degree. Applications can be completed online at the North Georgia Community Foundation website.You can learn more about the ​Judge Richard S. (Stan) Gault Education Scholarship here. 22.Korean American Scholarship Foundation The Southern Regional Chapter of the Korean American Scholarship Foundation offers scholarships to direct descendants of an American Korean-War veteran who served in Korea from June 25, 1950 to January 31, 1955 and who attends school in Alabama, Florida, Georgia, South Carolina or Tennessee. The applicant must attend school full-time and have a cumulative grade point average of 3.0 or higher. The applicant must be able to demonstrate financial need.You can learn more about ​Korean American Scholarship Foundation here. 23.Lettie Pate Whitehead Foundation The Lettie Pate Whitehead foundation awards annual grants to female students who can demonstrate financial need. In order to apply, the student must be attending an accredited institution in Alabama, Florida, Georgia, Louisiana, Mississippi, North Carolina, South Carolina, Tennessee or Virginia. Participating institutions in Georgia determine the students who are eligible for the grant, so students should discuss the application with their financial adviser.You can learn more about the ​Lettie Pate Whitehead Foundation here. 24.Lucy Willard Scholarship The Georgia League for Nursing established the Lucy Willard Scholarship for a nursing student enrolled in an Associate or Bachelor’s degree program. It is a one-time award for at least $500.You can learn more about the ​Lucy Willard Scholarship here. 25.Mary Ware Scholarship The Mary Ware Scholarship seeks to bridge the gap for at-risk students who are not in foster care, but not being raised by their parents. The program offers scholarships to at-risk youth who wish to attend an institute of higher learning. They must have resided in Georgia for 24 months and have a grade point average between 2.0 and 2.9. The student may not be a recipient of another scholarship offering full financial support. The applicant must provide letters of recommendation that describe positive impact involvement and past work or volunteer experiences. A personal essay on how the student has made a positive difference is required and may not be more than two pages long.You can learn more about the Mary Ware Scholarship here. 26.Myron Breakstone Scholarship The Myron Breakstone Scholarship is available to graduating seniors at Lumpkin County High School who plan to attend an accredited college or university as a full-time student. Eligibility is based on need although academic average, standardized test scores as well as school and community activities are also considered. An essay describing future goals, accomplishments, leadership activity and how the student plans to finance their education is also required.You can learn more about the ​Myron Breakstone Scholarship here. 27.REACH Georgia Scholarship Program The REACH Georgia Scholarship Program is a need-based scholarship and mentorship program. It is designed to provide mentoring and financial assistance to Georgia’s academically promising students. Students must maintain a secondary grade point average of 2.5 or higher and be eligible for Free or Reduced Lunch. The student must have a clean discipline record with no more than two minor infractions and no out-of-school suspensions. Students must also have a strong attendance record. The applicant must meet Georgia residency requirements. Participants are paired with a mentor who models behavior and academic coaches who ensure they remain on track. Financial support of up to $10,000, paid at $2,500 per year for four years, may also be awarded.You can learn more about the ​REACH Georgia Scholarship Program here. 28.Regions Riding Forward Scholarship Essay Contest The Regions Riding Forward Scholarship Essay Contest is open to high school seniors who permanently reside in Georgia and other states with Regions branches. High school seniors must be 13 years or older and have a cumulative grade point average of 2.0. The awards are also open to those who are already attending college as long as they are a legal United States resident and are residing in one of the states with Regions branches. The college student must be 16 years or older, have at least one year remaining before graduation and a minimum cumulative grade point average of 2.0. Students must complete an essay of 500 words or less on an African-American who inspired and motivated them. Regions awards $5,000 scholarships to 16 high school students and $3,500 scholarships to 16 college students.You can learn more about the ​Regions Riding Forward Scholarship Essay Contest here. 29.Rising College Junior/Senior Scholarship for Agriculture The Rising College Junior/Senior Scholarship for Agriculture recognizes outstanding students pursuing an academic career in agriculture. Ten scholarships of $2,000 are awarded. The student must major in agriculture, environmental, family and consumer sciences or a related field in agriculture. They must have at least two semesters of college work remaining and be obtaining their degree from the University System of Georgia or Berry College. Students must have a 3.0 GPA and be engaged in leadership activity.You can learn more about the ​Rising College Junior/Senior Scholarship for Agriculture herï » ¿Ã¯ » ¿e. 30.Roberta M. Born Scholarship Offered through the Golden Isles Arts Humanities Organization, the Roberta M. Born Scholarship is awarded to a high school senior who exhibits a passion for the arts. Applicants must complete an application and provide recent transcripts as well as three letters of recommendation.You can learn more about the ​Roberta M. Born Scholarship here. 31.Automotive Women’s Forum Scholarship The Southern Automotive Women’s Forum Scholarship is available to women enrolled in a STEM field at a two-year technical program, four-year undergraduate program or graduate program in an effort to enter the automotive industry. Scholarships range from $500 to $5,000 each. Applicants must be a high school senior or recent graduate with a cumulative grade point average of 2.5 and a 3.0 grade point average in their major. They must be enrolled or plan to enroll in an accredited institute of higher learning and plan to attend at least half-time. The applicant must plan to enroll in a Science, Technology, Engineering or Math (STEM) or Automotive field at a college in Alabama, Arkansas, Florida, Georgia, Kentucky, Louisiana, Mississippi, North Carolina, South Carolina, Tennessee, Virginia or West Virginia.You can learn more about the ​Automotive Women’s Forum Scholarship here. 32. Ty Cobb Scholarship The Ty Cobb Scholarship is for residents of Georgia who demonstrate financial need who wish to pursue a dentistry or medical doctor professions. Students must have completed at least 30 semester or 45 quarter hours of credit with an average of â€Å"B†or higher. Awards range between $2,000 and $3,000.You can learn more about the ​Ty Cobb Scholarship here. 33.UGA College of Veterinary Medicine Scholarship The UGA College of Veterinary Medicine Scholarship provides $2,500 to two students electing to enter the large animal/food animal practice of veterinary medicine. Students must be a Georgia resident and a current veterinary medicine student specializing in large or food animals with a minimum 3.0 GPA.You can learn more about the ​UGA College of Veterinary Medicine Scholarship here. 34.Watson Brown Foundation The Watson Brown Foundation offers $3,000 and $5,000 scholarships to select Georgia and South Carolina students attending accredited four-year colleges and universities. Applicants must be from select counties in Georgia and South Carolina. Recipients must maintain a 3.0 cumulative grade point average to renew the scholarship. Applicants must complete an online application and submit high school and/or college transcripts, SAT and/or ACT scores, two letters of recommendations and a copy of their parent’s 1040 or 1040EZ form. Students must also complete an essay based on the topics in the application and a financial need statement.You can learn more about the ​Watson Brown Foundation here. 35.Woodrow Wilson Teaching Fellowships The Woodrow Wilson Teaching Fellowship provides scholarships to individuals in a Science, Technology, Engineering and Math (STEM) program who agree to teach at the secondary school level in Georgia, Indiana or New Jersey. The awards are available to undergraduates, recent college graduates, midcareer professionals and retirees who had careers in STEM fields. The scholarships assist with admission to a graduate degree program at a partner university as well as preparation for teacher certification. The fellowship comes with a $30,000 to $32,000 stipend with tuition arrangements that vary per campus. Fellows must agree to teach for at least three years in an urban or rural school district.You can learn more about the ​Woodrow Wilson Teaching Fellowships here.
Thursday, May 21, 2020
The Case Of The Second Amendment Rights - 1386 Words
After reviewing the given information from Ms. Bennett, there is a strong possibility the court will find the defendant’s Fourth Amendment rights were not violated. The Fourth Amendment states: â€Å"The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated, and no warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause, supported by oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized.†(U.S. Cons.) In order for the court to find a lack of a violation, they need to determine that the findings of Ms. Bennett were reasonable in inception and scope. In this particular case, the burden of proof is put upon the Government. A. Reasonableness in Inception Ms. Bennett did not fall out of the parameter and breach the defendant’s Fourth Amendment right with the reasonableness at inception. To be reasonable in inception means to have a rational reason for inspecting an employee’s work area. Physical evidence, information from a reliable source, or a professional’s opinion, of work related misconduct or illegal activities occurring are valid reasons for investigations. â€Å"Employers’ intrusions on constitutionally protected privacy interest †¦ investigations of work-related misconduct, should be judged by standard of reasonableness under all the circumstances.†O’Connor v Ortega, 107 S. Ct. 1492 (U.S. 1987). In City of Ontario, California v Quon,Show MoreRelatedThe Rights Of A Free State1118 Words  | 5 PagesAmerican Lit 2 December 2014 Amendment II â€Å"A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.†The Right to Bear Arms According to the Second Amendment, in the Bill of Rights, the rights of the people to keep and bear arms have been enacted since December 15th, 1791. Across the 223 years this amendment has been around, there has been an abundance of history behind the Second Amendment. Over this time periodRead MoreThe Constitution And The Declaration Of Independence1712 Words  | 7 Pagesgovernment also included a set of rights entitled, The Bill of Rights. In The Bill of Rights, citizens of the U.S. are given rights, amendments, that make the U.S a free country today. This system has provided many citizens with rights such as, allowing them to express their religion and free speech and protect their privacy with no officials is allowed to search someone s belongings unless there is a warrant that states reason. There are many more amendments besides the two listed and each ofRead MoreThe Right to Bear Arms1866 Words  | 7 PagesIntroduction In this essay highlighting the second amendment, I will focus mostly on the right to bear arms. The Second Amendment states, â€Å" A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.†I think that the founders put this in the constitution to keep the sense of freedom they had in England concerning arms, and other than a small force of paid officers, the United States had no professional, trainedRead MoreGun Control And The Second Amendment1179 Words  | 5 Pagescitizens to bear arms. The right to bear arms traces back all the way to the times of the 13 colonies. The Second Amendment has been up for many debates, especially in the recent light of mass shootings in the US. But does the entire removal and ban of firearms really work? Gun control and the second amendment has been a never ending conflict between politicians. As we look further into gun control there are more draw ba cks for the citizens than benefits. The Second Amendment was ratified to the USRead MoreArgumentative Essay On Gun Control1397 Words  | 6 Pages The Second Amendment to the United States Constitution protects the right of the people to bear arms and was adopted on December 15, 1791, as part of the first ten amendments located in the Bill of Rights. Since then there have been many attempts to create stricter gun control legislation and this leads to the argument whether or not this is an attack on the 2nd Amendment? The Bill of Rights amendments adds to the Constitution specific guarantees of personal freedoms and rights. The Second AmendmentRead MoreThe Bill Of Rights Of The United States1557 Words  | 7 PagesThe Bill of Rights lists certain freedoms and liberties that are guaranteed to the people of the United States of America. Because these rights are in the Constitution, they are federal laws that apply to everyone in America. To ensure there was no question as to who the Bill of Rights applied to, the Fourteenth Amendment was passed in 1868 giving anyone born in, or a citizen of, the United States the rights guaranteed by the Bill of Rights. The amendment left clauses giving some interpretationRead MoreBill of rights Essay955 Words  | 4 Pagestheir rights such as life, liberty, and property. The Constitution was created to make a stronger central government to protect the rights of its people. The Social Contract protects the natural rights of the citizens, but with the Constitution protecting every other rights. The writers intention of the Bill of Rights was to ensure the safety of citizens rights. Most amendments apply in daily life, but might not realize it. The First amendment, freedom of speech, amendment two, the right to bearRead MoreEssay on The Right to Bear Arms a Constitutional Conflict 1666 Words  | 7 Pagesact of bearing a firearm was initially represented as a duty in England, up until King Alfred converted this duty into a right. By doing so, individuals were allowed to use firearms for two purposes: self-defense and hunting. In time, â€Å"kings chose to trust their subjects with arms and to modify and supplement the militia if need be†(Malcom 3). Individuals were given the right to bear arms in exchange for their participation in England’s militia, which consists of â€Å"able-bodied male citizens declaredRead MoreDistrict of Columbia v. Heller: The Use and Permit of Handguns1529 Words  | 7 Pagesrigorou s system in place is violated the individual rights that granted and protected by the United States Constitution. They believe that the rigorous system will prevent people from defending themselves and could be a violation of their privacy. Regardless of which side is right, if we want to understand more about our current conflict, we have to look back on how this hold debate started. The District of Columbia v. Heller, the Supreme Court case in 2008 that found the Firearms Control RegulationsRead MoreCivil Liberties And Civil Rights1318 Words  | 6 Pagesprotect the rights of U.S. citizens. Moreover, these changes have occurred by much insistence and court cases from the people. Out of these changes, civil rights and civil liberties have erupted in order to protect the lives of citizens even more. Who we are as citizens of the United States can be characterized by the concept of civil rights and civil liberties, the idea that the constitution protects the major rights enumerate d in the Bill of Rights, marginalized groups, the second amendment, and the
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